Results for 'Door Erik Dees'

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  1. Schijntje of diepte-investering?Door Erik Dees - forthcoming - Idee.
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  2. Wie is de liberaalste.Door Erik Dees - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Frank Judo, Het bewaren waard. Wandelen door een conservatisme langs 21 misverstanden.Erik Meganck - 2024 - de Uil Van Minerva 37 (2).
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    Situated anticipation.Erik Rietveld & Ludger van Dijk - 2018 - Synthese 198 (1):349-371.
    In cognitive science, long-term anticipation, such as when planning to do something next year, is typically seen as a form of ‘higher’ cognition, requiring a different account than the more basic activities that can be understood in terms of responsiveness to ‘affordances,’ i.e. to possibilities for action. Starting from architects that anticipate the possibility to make an architectural installation over the course of many months, in this paper we develop a process-based account of affordances that includes long-term anticipation within its (...)
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    (1 other version)Ten geleide.Erik Heijerman - 2007 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 47 (1):4-6.
    Klimaatverandering is hot. Maar de meningen van wetenschappers en politici hierover verschillen enorm. Sommige wetenschappers beweren dat het helemaal niet mogelijk is om vast te stellen dat het klimaat verandert door toedoen van de mens; anderen zeggen juist dat het onzinnig is om de gevolgen van de uitstoot van broeikasgassen op het klimaat te negeren. Wie heeft er gelijk? Hoe moeten we met de onzekerheid hierover omgaan? En nog zo'n vraag: wat is eigenlijk 'duurzaam'? De term 'duurzaam' lijkt te (...)
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    For today, there will be a speech (and a song) tomorrow.Erik Doxtader - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (4):pp. 311-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:For Today, There Will Be a Speech (and a Song) TomorrowErik DoxtaderFor we see that things that are going to be take their start from deliberating and from acting, and equally that there is in general a possibility of being and not being in things that are not always actual. In them, both are open, both being and not being, and so also both becoming and not becoming. And (...)
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  7. *Wetenschapsfilosofie* door Leon Horsten, Igor Douven en Erik Weber. [REVIEW]Jan-Willem Romeijn & Allard Tamminga - 2008 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 100 (1):80-83.
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    A response to Erik Schokkaert on macrojustice.Serge-Christophe Kolm - 2009 - Economics and Philosophy 25 (1):85-98.
    Erik Schokkaert's note presents a very good summary of the theory of macrojustice and a very good list of the directions of research it points to. This is quite fitting since a research programme defines a paradigm, and he sees this proposal as a paradigm shift. This is also very appropriate since his own qualifications are the best for advancing fast in these research topics. I have only a very small number of qualifications to add to his presentation, but (...)
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    Prenatal Testing and Disability Rights.Erik Parens & Adrienne Asch (eds.) - 2000 - Georgetown University Press.
    "In these essays, health care professionals, scholars, and members of the disability community debate the implications of prenatal testing for people with disabilitties and for parent-child relationships generally."--Cover.
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    A Weyl-Type Theorem for Geometrized Newtonian Gravity.Erik Curiel - unknown
    I state and prove, in the context of a space having only the metrical structure imposed by the geometrized version of Newtonian gravitational theory, a theorem analagous to that of Weyl's in a Lorentzian space. The theorem, loosely speaking, says that a projective structure and a suitably defined compatible conformal structure on such a space jointly suffice for fixing the metrical structure of a Newtonian spacetime model up to constant factors. It allows one to give a natural, physically compelling interpretation (...)
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  11. S/citing the camp.Erik Vogt - 2005 - In Andrew Norris (ed.), Politics, Metaphysics, and Death: Essays on Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer. Durham: Duke University Press.
  12. Robust Ethics: The Metaphysics and Epistemology of Godless Normative Realism.Erik Joseph Wielenberg - 2014 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Erik J. Wielenberg draws on recent work in analytic philosophy and empirical moral psychology to defend non-theistic robust normative realism, according to which there are objective ethical features of the universe that do not depend on God for their existence. He goes on to develop an empirically-grounded account of human moral knowledge.
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    Editorial Overview: Public Science and Technology Scholars: Engaging Whom?Erik Fisher - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (4):607-620.
    Science policy mandates across the industrialized world insinuate more active roles for publics, their earlier participation in policy decisions, and expanded notions of science and technology governance. In response to these policies, engaged scholars in science studies have sought to design and conduct exercises aimed at better attuning science to its public contexts. As demand increases for innovative and potentially democratic forms of public engagement with science and technology, so also do the prospects for insights from science studies to contribute (...)
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    Are there ontological explanations?Erik Weber - 2006 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 91 (1):277-283.
    There is a huge philosophical literature on scientific explanation, and no one seriously denies that the sciences explain in one way or another. But what about ontology? I will argue that ontological laws and ontological theories can explain. And I will point at the differences between ontological explanations and their scientific counterparts.
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    The Significance of Tiny Contributions : Barnett and Beyond.Erik Carlson, Magnus Jedenheim-Edling & Jens Johansson - forthcoming - Utilitas.
    In a discussion of Parfit's Drops of Water case, Zach Barnett has recently proposed a novel argument against “No Small Improvement”; that is, the claim that a single drop of water cannot affect the magnitude of a thirsty person's suffering. We first show that Barnett's argument can be significantly strengthened, and also that the fundamental idea behind it yields a straightforward argument for the transitivity of equal suffering. We then suggest that defenders of No Small Improvement could reject a Pareto (...)
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  16. En regionale eigenheid.Door Cha Verhaar - forthcoming - Idee.
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  17. Succes en falen.Door Philip A. Idenburg - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Childhood and Society.The Human Group.Erik H. Erikson & George C. Homans - 1951 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12 (2):301-302.
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    Cost-Value Analysis in Health Care: Making Sense Out of Qalys.Erik Nord - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a comprehensive account of what it means to try to quantify health in distributing resources for health care. It examines the concept of QALYs which supposedly makes it more accurate to talk about life in terms of both quality and quantity of years lived when referring to health care policy. It offers an elegant new approach to comparing the costs and benefits of medical interventions. Cost-Utility Analysis is a method designed by economists to aid decision makers distribute (...)
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    Functional vs. Relational Approaches to Belief Revision.Erik J. Olsson - 2011 - In Erik J. Olson Sebastian Enqvist (ed.), Belief Revision meets Philosophy of Science. Springer. pp. 253--268.
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    The Nature of Moral Virtue.Erik Joseph Wielenberg - 2000 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst
    The dissertation is centered around the Moral Virtuosity Project . The central task of the dissertation is to examine what other philosophers have had to say on this topic and ultimately to successfully complete this project. ;Chapter One is concerned exclusively with Aristotle's attempt to complete the Moral Virtuosity Project. I defend the view that Aristotle holds that each moral virtue is a disposition toward proper practical reasoning, action, and emotion within a certain sphere. I critically examine Aristotle's argument for (...)
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    Rechtsphilosophische Studien.Erik Wolf - 1972 - V. Klostermann.
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  23. Shrewd Bargaining on the Moral Frontier.Peter Cramton & J. Gregory Dees - 1991 - Business Ethics Quarterly 1 (2):135-167.
    From a traditional moral point of view, business practitioners often seem overly concerned about the behavior of their peers in deciding how they ought to act. We propose to account for this concern by introducing a mutual trust perspective, where moral obligations are grounded in a sense of trust that others will abide by the same rules. when grounds for trust are absent, the obligation is weakened. We illustrate this perspective by examining the widespread ambivalence with regard to deception about (...)
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  24. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis: Beginning a long conversation.Erik Parens & Thomas H. Murray - 2002 - Lahey Clinic Medical Ethics Journal 9 (2):1-2.
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  25. Erhvervsøkonomiens fødsel iindustrialismens ånd.Erik Kloppenborg Madsen Og Kurt Pedersen - 2009 - In Ole Hã¸Iris & Thomas Ledet (eds.), Modernitetens Verden: Tiden, Videnskab, Historien Og Kunst. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
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    Interplanetär etik.Erik Persson - 2013 - In David Dunér (ed.), Extrema världar – Extremt liv. pp. 123-132.
    Hur bör vi bete oss mot livsformer som är väldigt annorlunda än vi? Spelar det någon roll att de är annorlunda? Spelar det någon roll hur annorlunda? Etiken sysslar med många olika frågor som alla har att göra med hur vi bör hantera det faktum att det vi gör (eller inte gör) påverkar andra än oss själv. En fråga för etiken gäller vad som gör en handling rätt. Är det till exempel effekterna av handlingen, avsikten med handlingen, eller ligger det (...)
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  27. Special Supplement: The Disability Rights Critique of Prenatal Genetic Testing Reflections and Recommendations.Erik Parens & Adrienne Asch - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (5):S1.
  28. The Skillful Body as a Concernful System of Possible Actions: Phenomena and Neurodynamics.Erik Rietveld - 2008 - Theory & Psychology 18 (3):341-361.
    For Merleau-Ponty,consciousness in skillful coping is a matter of prereflective ‘I can’ and not explicit ‘I think that.’ The body unifies many domain-specific capacities. There exists a direct link between the perceived possibilities for action in the situation (‘affordances’) and the organism’s capacities. From Merleau-Ponty’s descriptions it is clear that in a flow of skillful actions, the leading ‘I can’ may change from moment to moment without explicit deliberation. How these transitions occur, however, is less clear. Given that Merleau-Ponty suggested (...)
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    Debunking the argument from queerness.Erik Kassenberg - 2021 - Ratio 34 (4):312-323.
    According to moral error theory, there are no ethical facts. Error theorists often defend this view with the metaphysical argument from queerness. This argument purports to show that it is most reasonable to believe that ethical facts do not exist, because such facts are metaphysically queer and explanatorily redundant. This paper argues that even if we assume that ethical facts are metaphysically queer and explanatorily redundant, the argument from queerness does not warrant the rejection of ethical facts. It only shows (...)
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  30. A new proof that analytic sets are Ramsey.Erik Ellentuck - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (1):163-165.
    We give a direct mathematical proof of the Mathias-Silver theorem that every analytic set is Ramsey.
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    Choosing Flourishing: Toward a More "Binocular" Way of Thinking about Disability.Erik Parens - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (2):135-150.
    It is hardly news to readers of this collection that in bioethics there has been a long-standing debate between people who can seem to be arguing "for" disability and people who can seem to be arguing "against" it. Those who have argued for have often been disability scholars and those who have argued against have often been philosophers of a utilitarian bent. At least since the mid 2000s, some disability scholars and some philosophers of a utilitarian bent have sought to (...)
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    Topical Roots of Formal Dialectic.Erik C. W. Krabbe - 2013 - Argumentation 27 (1):71-87.
    Formal dialectic has its roots in ancient dialectic. We can trace this influence in Charles Hamblin’s book on fallacies, in which he introduced his first formal dialectical systems. Earlier, Paul Lorenzen proposed systems of dialogical logic, which were in fact formal dialectical systems avant la lettre, with roles similar to those of the Greek Questioner and Answerer. In order to make a comparison between ancient dialectic and contemporary formal dialectic, I shall formalize part of the Aristotelian procedure for Academic debates. (...)
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  33. In a Silent Way.Erik Anderson - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Culture 12 (1).
    I argue that silence is replete with aesthetic character and that it can be a rewarding object of aesthetic appreciation, assessment, and appraisal. The appreciation of silence might initially seem impossible, for, it might seem, there is nothing there to behold. Taking up this challenge, I attempt to dispel the sense of paradox. I contend that, despite our never actually experiencing absolute silence, there is much to enjoy in the silences that we do experience. I go on to argue that (...)
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    In the quagmire of quibbles: a dialectical exploration.Erik C. W. Krabbe & Jan Albert van Laar - 2019 - Synthese 198 (4):3459-3476.
    Criticism may degenerate into quibbling or nitpicking. How can discussants keep quibblers under control? In the paper we investigate cases in which a battle about words replaces a discussion of the matters that are actually at issue as well as cases in which a battle about minor objections replaces a discussion of the major issues. We survey some lines of discussion dealing with these situations in profiles of dialogue.
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  35. Polarity Judgments: An empirical view.Paul Dedecker, Erik Larsson & Andrea Martin - manuscript
    An electronic poster from "Polarity from Different Perspectives," New York University, 2005. The authors present an experiment that investigated to what extent six negative polarity items (slept a wink, in ages, ever, much, at all, and yet) are licensed by 9 potential licensers.
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    Strategic Maneuvering in Mathematical Proofs.Erik C. W. Krabbe - 2008 - Argumentation 22 (3):453-468.
    This paper explores applications of concepts from argumentation theory to mathematical proofs. Note is taken of the various contexts in which proofs occur and of the various objectives they may serve. Examples of strategic maneuvering are discussed when surveying, in proofs, the four stages of argumentation distinguished by pragma-dialectics. Derailments of strategies (fallacies) are seen to encompass more than logical fallacies and to occur both in alleged proofs that are completely out of bounds and in alleged proofs that are at (...)
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  37. De scheiding tussen hulp en recht.Door Jacquelien de Savornin Lohman - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Introduction to Symposium on David Boonin's The Non-Identity Problem and the Ethics of Future People.Erik Magnusson - 2019 - Law, Ethics and Philosophy 7.
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  39. Conceptual tools for causal analysis in the social sciences.Erik Weber - 2007 - In Federica Russo & Jon Williamson (eds.), Causality and Probability in the Sciences. College Publications. pp. 197--213.
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    A Comment on Rahel Jaeggi’s Critique of Forms of Life.Erik A. Anderson - 2020 - Social Philosophy Today 36:205-210.
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    Ethics for the Very Young: A Philosophy Curriculum for Early Childhood Education.Erik Kenyon - 2019 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Can you be brave if you’re afraid? Why do we “know better” and do things anyway? What makes a family? Philosophers have wrestled with such questions for centuries. They are also the stuff of playground debates. Ethics for the Very Young uses the perplexities of young children’s lives to spark philosophical dialogue. Its lessons scaffold discussion through executive function games (Telephone, Red Light Green Light), dialogic reading of picture books and Reggio Emilia’s art-based inquiry. In the process, children develop skills (...)
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    Socrates at the Wrestling School.Erik Kenyon - 2020 - In Heather Reid, Mark Ralkowski & Coleen P. Zoller (eds.), Athletics, Gymnastics, and Agon in Plato. Sioux City, IA, USA: Parnassos Press. pp. 51-66.
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    Desecularisation: thinking secularisation beyond metaphysics.Erik Meganck - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (3-4):178-194.
    Theologians and philosophers remain rather indecisive about the notion of desecularisation. I suggest that desecularisation should be considered relevant insofar as it interacts with other notions belonging to contemporary thought, namely: radical secularisation, desacralisation, deconstruction, and dis-enclosure. I argue that desecularisation can be understood as belonging to the same movement as the one marked by deconstruction and dis-enclosure. Staging this interaction will yield the following: the necessity of secularising secularisation itself, the importance of differentiating between secularisation and desacralisation, the rightful (...)
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    Linking as Voting : How the Condorcet Jury Theorem in Political Science is Relevant to Webometrics.George Masterton, Erik J. Olsson & Staffan Angere - unknown
  45. Aristotle’s On Sophistical Refutations.Erik C. W. Krabbe - 2012 - Topoi 31 (2):243-248.
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    Dislodged Experience as an Overcoming of Reason: Towards a Phenomenology of Beyng.Erik Kuravsky - 2022 - Research in Phenomenology 52 (3):375-398.
    Heidegger’s Contributions to Philosophy approaches human transformation as an overcoming of Western metaphysics. The nature of this transformation does not imply a mere change of a worldview, an ethical or spiritual fulfillment, or even self-transcendence. Instead, Heidegger speaks about a dislodgement of human essence. In the article I address the notion of dislodgement as central for understanding the nature of the shift required for the human selfhood to be grounded in Da-sein. I stress the relation between dislodgement and an overcoming (...)
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  47. Skapat liv och livets värde.Erik Persson - 2017 - In Jessica Abbott & Erik Persson (eds.), LIV – Utomjordiskt, Syntetiskt, Artificiellt. Lund, Sverige: Pufendorfinstitutet. pp. 219-237.
    Om människan någon gång kommer att få förmågan att skapa nya livsformer, hur kommer det att påverka livets värde? Detta är en fråga som kan vara en källa till oro när man diskuterar konstgjort liv, men är oron befogad? I ett försök att svara på den frågan kommer jag att gå igenom några möjliga skäl till varför förmågan att skapa konstgjort liv skulle hota livets värde, och se om de verkligen ger oss skäl att oroa oss.
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  48. Toward a more fruitful debate about enhancement.Erik Parens - 2009 - In Nick Bostrom & Julian Savulescu (eds.), Human Enhancement. Oxford University Press. pp. 181--197.
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  49. Consequentialism, Distribution and Desert.Erik Carlson - 1997 - Utilitas 9 (3):307.
    This paper criticizes the consequentialist theory recently put forward by Fred Feldman. I argue that this theory violates two crucial requirements. Another theory, proposed by Peter Vallentyne, is similarly flawed. Feldman's basic ideas could, however, be developed into a more plausible theory. I suggest one possible way of doing this.
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  50. The Ethics of Solicited Organ Donations.Eric A. Singer & Richard H. Dees - 2008 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 19 (2):141-149.
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